Atlantis - Oil Painting Medium
Available in 250ml, 1L and 2.5L
For adding structure to and extending paint. Speeds up the drying time of oil paint. Elastic and will not shrink even in thick layers. Its uses are various but it is commonly used to mix with oil colours to extend the paint whilst retaining the body and structure.
Helps keep the thick consistency of heavy painting with no settling down. Maintains the peaks and troughs of applied paints. This is a transparent slightly amber tinted mixture and has the same consistency of straight oil paint out of the tube. Can be applied in thicknesses of over an inch (2.54 cm)with both brushes and palette knives.
Atlantis Oil Painting Medium is thixotropic in that its natural body can be temporarily reduced by the artists’ brush or pallet knife. It contains synthetic blended resins that speed up the drying of the paint and improve the general resistance of the finished paint. The result is an easier to work paint with retained viscosity and high gloss. Atlantis Oil Painting Medium is ideal for glazing and extending colours.
Drying Time: Dries evenly without cracking.