A simple and effective method of preventing acrylic paint from drying before the artist wants them to dry.
A “stay wet” palette, if used correctly will keep acrylic paint from drying for days and weeks, particularly if stored in a refrigerator.
The “stay wet” palette is basically a water impregnated membrane upon which the paint is placed for use. This ensures that the acrylic paint continually remains wet as it draws moisture from the membrane to replace the natural evaporation that takes place in the normal drying process.
The palette is a tray in which the membrane is held and over which a plastic top is placed to hold in moisture. A side brush water tray additionally prevents brushes from hardening.
The palette contains three sheets of reservoir paper and a semi-permeable membrane.
Available in 2 sizes and with refills to fit.
DRSWPS Small - 25 x 30cm
DRSWPL Large - 28 x 51cm