Quick view Golden Heavy Body Acrylic - Mars Yellow S1 Golden MSRP: £8.33 - £37.71 The higher iron content in this single pigment paint gives it more of a reddish brown quality, clearly on the fringe it retains just enough of the amber tone to be included in the yellow family.
Quick view Golden Heavy Body Acrylic - Titan Mars Pale S1 Golden £8.33 Mixture of Mars Red and Titanium White.
Quick view Golden Heavy Body Acrylic - Bone Black S1 Golden £8.33 A warmer black, its name comes from the use of charred animal bone, as a pigment.
Quick view Golden Heavy Body Acrylic - Carbon Black S1 Golden £8.33 Produced with soot from burning gas the dark and fine particle size makes this GOLDEN's darkest most neutral black.
Quick view Golden Heavy Body Acrylic - Burnt Sienna S1 Golden MSRP: £8.33 - £37.71 Additional heating, or firing of the natural earth pigment creates the darker variation of a classic Sienna earth colour.