Ultramarine (Green Shade) is a rich deep transparent blue with green undertones, differing from the red undertones of French Ultramarine. French chemist Guimet created synthetic Ultramarine in 1828.
Raw Umber (Green Shade) is a rich brown pigment with green undertones made from the natural brown clays found in earth. It was named after Umbria, a region in Italy where it was mined.
Mauve Blue Shade is a violet colour with a strong blue undertone. It is a transparent and lightfast colour. Mauve, originally a lake pigment, was discovered in England in 1856 by Sir William Perkin...
Ultramarine Violet is a rich purple colour. It is a derivation of French Ultramarine, a synthetic pigment created in 1828 by French chemist Guimet as an alternative to genuine Ultramarine.
Chrome Green Deep Hue is a bold opaque oil colour. Its carefully combined pigments resemble genuine Chrome Green Deep without the latter's defects. It is a strong mid-range green colour.
Winsor Green (Yellow Shade) is a brilliant transparent green pigment with a yellow undertone. It is made from the modern pigment Phthalocyanine which was introduced in 1930s.